Learning Objective

Everything is Chemistry.  Through the learning of chemistry, students should

(a)  demonstrate knowledge and understanding in relation to

(1) selected facts, phenomena, principles and concepts in chemistry and their limitations ;

(2) precise chemical vocabulary, terminology and conventions ;

(3) some relevant applications of chemistry in everyday life and society.

(b)  master scientific logical thinking and problem-solving skills in

(1) identifying problems from given unfamiliarized situations ;

(2) selecting and applying the learning principles and concepts to solve  problems ;

(3) analyzing the given information and  drawing conclusions, and making relevant predictions.

(c) master skills in handling information and communication, such as

(1) analysing and interpreting scientific information presented in verbal, numerical, tabular and graphical forms ;

(2) manipulating numerical and other data ;

(3) organizing and presenting chemical ideas in a clear, logical and coherent way ;

(4) arguing for or against the use of chemistry in technological issues based on scientific, economic, political, social and environmental consideration.

(d)  acquire basic skills in handling chemicals and chemical apparatus safety and efficiently in laboratory.

(e)  carry out instructions for experiments, observe and record experimental observations accurately, interpret and evaluate the observations and experimental data as well as suggest possible improvements for experiments performed.

(f)  develop a continuing interest in and curiosity about scientific investigation ;

(g)  develop a critical and inquiring mind, and an objective attitude towards evidence ;

(h)  show willingness to reduce further pollutions and develop a sense of shared responsibility for the sustainable development of our environment.

HKEAA C&A Guide & Other Useful Links

  • Updated Curriculum & Assessment Guide – 2021 HKDSE Exam. & thereafter


  • Updates from HKEAA Elective Subject : Chemistry


  • Explorations of Everyday Chemical Compounds


  • Wandering in the Lab !


  • Awesome Videos from ACS Chemistry for Life
