Equal emphasis is given to formative and summative assessments as they are both considered useful evaluative tools to monitor the effectiveness of teaching and learning.

The assessment results will be used to provide feedback on the effectiveness of teaching and learning, as well as to provide evidence of students’ suitability for promotion to a higher form or otherwise.

Teachers can carry out formative assessment through continuous monitoring of class interaction and overall evaluation of the latter’s participation and performance in class activities.

‘Homework’ is considered to be an essential evaluation tool for formative assessment. Besides helping students to consolidate their newly acquired knowledge and form a good study habit, homework can also provide objective data for feedback on the effectiveness of teaching and learning.

Summative assessments in the form of uniform tests, half-yearly and final examinations provide timely data on student progress and performance. The school reports that give comprehensive test and examination results will provide useful feedback to parents and students.

The subject panels will decide the relative weightings of formative and summative assessments at the commencement of the school year. In general, formative assessments will carry out 30% of the marks, and summative assessments will carry 70% of the marks.

The subject panels will work out the variety and quantity of homework for each level at the beginning of the term so that students can benefit from the systematic and continuous practice they provide. Homework does not just refer to textbook exercises or practice questions, it can also include revision of lesson material, preparatory work for the next lesson, recitation, prescribed texts for reading, viewing news reports or documentaries, etc.

The subject panel heads will inspect the students’ workbooks and exercise books as well as teachers’ record books each term in order to check the standard of marking and ascertain the level of student progress.

Students are required to sit for two internal examinations each year. Moreover, for S1-S5 students, a week will be set aside each term for uniform tests.

When the parents come to school to get their children’s school reports, suitable arrangements will be made for them to meet the class teachers to discuss the general behaviour and academic performance of their children.