Islamic Kasim Tuet Memorial College
School Notice 040

Arrangement of the class suspension starting from 3 Feb 2020 2019/20

一、 所有學校活動全部取消。
二、老師將會由二月六日開始透過校網及Google Classroom 發放教學資源及網上習作等。同學必須留意老師發放的消息及完成指定習作,並好好利用此段時間勤加温習。學習日程的內容會每天更新,請同學每天早上查閱校網以獲得最新的資訊。
三、中六模擬試取消,同學可於下星期三 (二月十二日)回校校務處取試卷回家完成,(學生亦可自行列印有關試卷,詳情請檢查電郵),並於二月二十六日或之前把所有試卷交回學校校務處,以便有關老師批改並於復課後派發給學生。
五、學校辦公時間 : 星期一至五為早上八時至下午三時;星期六為早上九時至中午十二時。(二月八日星期六全日關閉)


Arrangement of the class suspension starting from 3 Feb 2020
13 Feb 2020
Dear Parents,
Due to the increasing number of confirmed and suspected novel Coronavirus infection cases and the increasing risk of the spread of the virus in crowded environment in a short period of time as many people travel abroad and visit relatives during the Chinese New Year holidays, the Education Bureau (EDB) announced that all schools will extend their Chinese New Year holidays to 19 April.
If your child have symptoms like fever, malaise, cough, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, stay at home and don’t go anywhere (including school).
If your child has visited Mainland China, he/she should stay at home for 14 days for self-quarantine. If you child or any of the family members have symptoms like fever, malaise, cough, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.
We strongly urge you and your children to avoid going to affected areas in order to reduce the risk of being infected. Wear a mask if it is necessary to leave home.
During the suspension period, the arrangements are as follows:
All school activities are cancelled or postponed;
Starting from 6 Feb 2020, self-learning activities schedules will be put on the school website and sent to students. Students should follow the learning schedule and complete the learning activities for that day. The schedules will be updated every day. Students should check the schedule every day in the morning to make sure they have the most up-to-date information;
S6 Mock Exam is cancelled. Students can collect the exam papers on 12 Feb 2020, Wednesday, at the school office and complete them at home. Students can also download and print out the exam papers from their school email. They can return completed answer scripts to the school on or before 26 Feb 2020 for marking. The marked scripts will be returned when school resumes;
No one is allowed to enter the school without wearing a face mask during the suspension period;
School opening hours are 8:00 am to 3:00 pm on Monday to Friday, and 9:00 am to 12:00 nn on Saturday. (However, school will not be opened on 8 Feb, 2020)
For updated information, please check the school email, SMS, school website and visit the government website.
Yours Faithfully,
Zareenah S. Y. Ho